Name :
Hanifah Febrilla
Class :
NPM : 14214761
The Difficulties in
learning English :
Pengucapan (Pronunciation)
Pengucapan Bahasa Inggris
berbeda dengan bahasa lainnya. Ada semacam huruf yang diucapkan secara
tersembunyi atau tersirat. Contohnya hufurf “r” dan huruf “t” yang hurufnya tidak diucapkan dengan
English pronunciation is
different from other language. There is a kind of spoken letters are hidden or
implied for example the letter “r” and the letter “t”.both of these letters
shouldn’t spoken clearly.
Kosa Kata (Vocabulary)
Tidak banyak orang mampu
menghafal kosa kata dalam waktu yang singkat. Ini karena kosa kata bahasa
inggris terlalu banyak, namum memiliki banyak arti.
Not many people are abe to
memorize vocabulary in a short time. This is because the vocabulary of the
English language too much, but is has many meaning.
Percakapan (Conversation)
Percakapan bahasa inggris
terkadang membingungkan bagi sebagian orang. Sulit memadukan antara salah satu
kosa kata dengan kosa kata yang lainnya. Terkadang, salah dalam menafsirkan
English convertation sometimes
confusing for some people. They are difficult to combine one vocabulaty to
another vocabulary. Sometimes, they are
wrong in interpreting the word.
Testimonial for Miss.
Laila :
Miss Laila, is a teacher of English. Bu laila is
good when teaching, very simple when learn English, easy to understand English
lessons even it difficult to understand.
And she’s pretty too.
Miss Laila, sorry if we (1EA28) do create some
problem in classroom and I hopefully we are good in the end value. Thankyou mam
for teaches us in the 2nd half. See you next J
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